


也可以看看: 马来西亚房屋类型

Office Types: SoHo, SoFo and SoVo Units


However, fear not as it’s definitely easy to differentiate these common office types from one another. The similarities, however, are quite general, as all these office types are designed and optimised for commercial purposes for period of time.

If a potential property buyer happens to flip through an entire brochure of units, he or she would be curious regarding the pricing of these office types like SoHo, SoFo and SoVo units. This is because they are usually higher in price than residential units. The owners of these office types would have to pay bills such as type of accommodation, unit assessment, water, electricity and telephone bills by themselves as they are all commercial titled. This contributes to the high price of these units.

SoHo、SoFo 和 SoVo 单位之间的相似之处

办公室类型快速指南 1

If a potential property buyer happens to flip through an entire brochure of units, he or she would be curious regarding the pricing of the office types available. This is because they are usually higher in price than residential units. The owners of these units would have to pay bills such as office unit assessment, water, electricity and telephone bills by themselves as they are all commercial titled, This contributes to the high price of these units. 

All these office types are generally located in hotspots in the city areas, often dubbed as the booming centres for businesses. This means that these properties are located in areas where access to public transportation and amenities such as shopping malls are within a stone’s throw away. The style and comfort that these units provide would be a distinction between normal shop lots and SoHo, SoFo and SoVo units.

Differences between these office types 

办公室类型快速指南 2

While SoHo units are protected by the Housing Development Act (HDA), due to the presence of the standard Sales and Purchase Agreement (SPA), it should be noted that SoFo and SoVo units don’t have this form of protection. This would be a call for concern as a potential buyer — with the non-existence of a standard SPA for them.

SoHo 单位存在 SPA 的原因纯粹是因为它们具有商业所有权,尽管用于住宅用途。由于对 SoVo 和 SoFo 单位的所有者没有任何形式的保护,因此产生的任何争议都必须在法庭上处理,这将根据买卖双方签署的 SPA 解决。 

The importance of a HDA might not be highlighted by most people and a huge majority might not even be aware of it. In reality, it should definitely be brought to everyone’s attention. Below are some of the importance a HDA holds:

住房开发法案 (HDA) 的重要性

  1. 开发商有责任支付工程延迟完工的罚款。这是按 SPA 价格每年 10% 每天计算的。 
  2. 买方将经历缺陷责任期,从买方收到空置财产之日起约 24 个月。这将导致买方获得房子的钥匙。在此期间出现的任何故障都应由开发人员纠正。


办公室类型快速指南 3

SoHo units are known for their flexibility in being used as either basic types; offices or homes. Hence, it’s an acronym for small office, home office. A SoHo unit allows the owner to integrate a good work-life balance. Therefore, most young singles, newly-weds and start-up owners would opt for these types of office types.

这是为了将他们的日常生活与工作结合起来,而不会使这两个方面彼此疏远。 SoHo 单元通常包括起居室、卧室和浴室。然而,它们不会占用太多的地面空间,尤其是这些单元是由室内设计师设计的,他们一直考虑到为潜在居民提供舒适而可持续的生活方式。这些房产是分层标题的,通常大小适中。 

SoHo units might not work for everyone. It’s not a one size fits all concept, nevertheless. Before investing in a SoHo unit, a potential buyer should analyse his or her needs and invest in a property that would be in line with their needs and wants. In general, SoHo units might come in handy for a few groups of individuals who: 

Buyers who WFH (Work from Home)

随着当今快速增长的零工经济,自由职业对年轻人来说并不陌生——在地点和工作时间方面具有广泛的灵活性。但是,如果一开始就没有一个有利的工作环境,那么灵活性有什么用呢?在这种情况下,SoHo 单位对于自由职业者来说非常有用。

不仅如此,对于公司允许您在家工作的员工来说,这是一个不错的选择。企业主也将从中受益匪浅。一个有利于规划业务的环境也很重要。有了 SoHo 单位可以提供的平静,扩展业务的新想法也很容易出现!

无论是考虑创办提供文案服务的企业还是基于加密货币的企业,SoHo 单位的空间和舒适度都会将有抱负的企业主带到更高的高度。这些单元还可以让人们在工作时舒适地休息。这将弥补工作与生活的完美平衡。 

Start-Up Companies

与普通公司不同,初创公司是一家规模非常小的企业。这将涉及大量的基础工作,每个业主想要的第一件事就是舒适。这个空间非常适合领导一个 2 人的团队,最终可能会增加到大约 10 人或更多。

为了证明这一点,一个典型的 SoHo 单元的建成面积范围为 420 平方英尺到 806 平方英尺。 SoHo 单位将营造一个有利的工作环境,而不会感到太局促。这将进一步激励员工。 

SoHo 单位出售

  1. Arcoris SoHo
  2. Central SoHo @ Central Residence
  3. 斯科特花园
  4. SOHO套房@KLCC

SoFo 单位

办公室类型快速指南 4

SoFo 单位与 SoHo 单位相比绝对不同。它也是小型办公室、灵活办公室的缩写。这样的单位确实很小,但这些单位具有特殊功能。

每个 SoFo 单元都有一个内部隔断(一堵可以分解的墙),这最终将使业主能够灵活地定制单元以适应当前的需求。如果想拥有更大的空间,可以购买2个单位,并可以拆除隔断以适应大的居住空间。

SoFo 出售单位

  1. 中庭SoFo

SoVo 单元

办公室类型快速指南 5

如果想为小型初创公司投资一个单位,则应考虑 SoVo 单位或小型办公室、虚拟办公室。作为一个设备齐全的单位,只配备了所需的基本设施,SoVo 单位可用于与同事一起踏上新的旅程。

但是,应该注意的是,SoVo 单元不包括体育馆、游泳池和休息区等住宅设施。与 SoHo 和 SoFo 单位不同,SoVo 单位纯粹用于商业目的。这意味着它不能变成住宅。除此之外,如果管理层不同意,业主也不能在这些单位过夜。

Since these units are considered commercial units, the Developer Interest Bearing Scheme is readily available for to interested buyers. This would allow buyers to pay 10% of the price until the completion of the project. Owners of the units have to pay the water, electricity, telephone as assessment bills based on commercial rates. This would be higher than the rate for residential properties. 

出售 SoVo 装置

  1. Q SoVo
  2. i-SoVo, 莎阿南


在投资任何类型的办公单元之前,您应该了解一些重要的事情。请记住,与住宅物业不同,办公物业(SoVo、SoHo 和 SoFo)具有不同的房屋所有权指标。

1. 贷款保证金

在房产贷款方面,住宅单位的最高贷款融资额为90%。但是,对于办公类物业而言,情况就不一样了。融资的最高贷款边际会更低,随后贷款期限会更短。由于这些单位是商业单位,因此在购买第三处及以上房产后的 70% 最大融资保证金限制在此不适用。


2. 水电费和维修费

至于水电费和维修费,所有 3 个单位都受有关商业物业的法律的约束。因此,与住宅单位相比,水电费、商业评估费和租金更高。这些单位建在商业土地上,在特殊情况下,将账单从商业转换为住宅是逐案进行的。 

3. 贷款条款

SoHo、SoVo 和 SoFo 单位建在商业土地上,受商业贷款条款约束。然而,这些写字楼之所以处于不利的投资位置,是因为与住房贷款相比,贷款金额要低得多。加上单位的相对较高的价格,毫无疑问,投资者和潜在买家在投资这些单位之前会三思而后行。

就 SoHo 单位而言,是否应使用住房贷款或商业地产贷款方案为其提供资金没有明确的区别。没有可供银行遵循的全面指导方针,由银行针对每个项目单独决定,具体取决于银行对任何潜在影响的容忍度。 

4. 消费税

如果一个人拥有超过 2 处商业地产、超过一英亩的商业土地或商业地产,或市场价值超过 2,000,000 令吉的土地并有出售意向,则他们被视为有生意。这符合马来西亚皇家海关最近发布的指南。因此,他们需要纳税。

5. 法律保护和 买卖协议 (SPA)

在购买 SoHo、SoFo 和 SoVo 单位时,大多数时候,潜在的购房者并不了解围绕它们的合法性。对于 SoFo 和 SoVo 设备,标准买卖协议在此不适用。这主要是因为它们不受 1966 年《住房开发(控制和许可)法》(HDA) 的监管。

相反,SoHo 单位拥有通常的标准 SPA。根据《国家土地法》,如果 SoVo 和 SoFo 单元用于永久住宅用途,则它们将受到地方当局的监管。如果购买 SoHo 单元,买家将需要签署 SPA。

由于这些物业全部或部分用作住宅物业,因此他们的权利将受到该法案的保护。如果要购买 SoFo 或 SoVo 装置,则应与开发商签署非标准 SPA。这是购买 SoFo 或 SoVo 设备时保持安全的唯一方法。 

6. 物业管理





1. 决定是否有必要


2. 设施


3. 位置


4. Security



办公室类型快速指南 6

Various office types could provide different levels of comfort albeit, having similar properties to one another. Be it one of these office types: SoVo, SoFo or SoHo units, the most important aspect in the quest of finding a good unit for one’s next business is always its practicality and convenience. As aforementioned, it’s not a one size fits all concept.

In fact, office types similar to residential properties, location, accessibility, pricing and the level of comfort should also be considered prior to buying properties as such. Apart from that, some prospective buyers might not prefer these office units due to the location of these units. Since a majority of these units are located in bustling cities, peace and serenity might be difficult to obtain.

The existence of traffic jams would definitely add to the hustle and bustle of city life. Nevertheless, when it comes to office types units, one might have to set aside comfort to ensure that large access to facilities and amenities in the midst of a prime location such as the city, could be achieved. 

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