从本质上讲, 副总裁 也被普遍称为 吉 refers to the right of the buyer to exclusively utilize the property once its selling process has been completed. On the other hand, CCC 要么 结业证书 是一种证书,用于批准先前在建的房屋或建筑物的竣工。在此博客文章中,我们将讨论为什么 副总裁 和 CCC 在财产收购过程中起着重要的作用,它们实际上起着什么作用。
发行 结业证书 表示现在认为财产可以安全使用和居住。这 CCC was initially called CFO (Certificate of Fitness for Occupation), but to mitigate the bureaucracy of red tape and to improve the efficiency of building activities, its name was changed in 2007.
With the introduction of CCC 在当地的住房开发中,进行了许多重大改动。例如,强制性规定 CCC will be issued only by private parties such as building draftsmen, engineers and architects, rather than the local government. All these individuals are referred to as PSP or Principal Submitting Person.
The sole purpose of giving the responsibility to PSPs was to decrease the number of incidents related to the collapse of buildings in Malaysia. PSPs usually acquire more knowledge about the completion of the construction work as compared to the local authorities.
自从替换首席财务官以来 CCC,批准的延迟已大大减少。如果今天您能够毫不拖延地为家人购买梦想中的房子,那完全是由于 CCC. Previously, these certificates were first sent to the local authorities and the construction industries had to wait for a long period of time before they get approved. Hence, due to the introduction of CCC,人们能够在较短的时间内将梦想变为现实。
The role of PSPs does not end here. In case of late delivery, any failure or delay in work, the PSPs will have to submit hefty penalties and fines as well. You can get CCC from the property developer.
This can ensure that there is no uncertain terms on the residential units, physical possession and building component. As a result, undesirable elements on the actual unit will be accessible by common access. You can hire building inspector to inspect building defects if you want to. Defects inspections can ensure that building codes are being compiled by the developer and fulfil contract of sale.
Apart from this, if the CCC 证书是由不合格的个人提交的,或者如果专业PSP在证书中提出不正确或欺诈性的要求,则该个人将不得不支付250,000令吉的罚款,甚至可能被判入狱10年。考虑到所有这些事实,可以说PSP必须承担很大的压力和责任,才能为马来西亚居民提供安全的住所。
This can ensure that there is no uncertain terms on the residential units, physical possession and building component. As a result, undesirable elements on the actual unit will be accessible by common access.
Last but definitely not least, don’t forget to handover the property keys to the new buyer.
What Is a VP Schedule?
一个 Vacant Possession 买方签署SPA后,时间表开始。可能有各种时间表 Vacant Possession 根据购买的性质。在购买初级住房时,您可能需要等待2至3年才能获得 吉。另一方面,在二手房购买中,购买者可以收到 Vacant Possession only in 3 months’ time period. Legal possession and VP is difference though!