Waterproofing Paint: Does It Prevent Roof And Wall Leaks?

Waterproofing Paint



It’s a Saturday morning, the sound of raindrops is scintillating, the weather is cold enough to keep you wrapped under the blankets and the bed is far too cosy for you to make any attempts to wake up. But what if this cosy, jolly day is interrupted by the sounds of water leakage? 

Definitely a massive downer for your mood! In addition to ruining your happy day, the notion of fixing them might be even more stressful.

While most of the major issues of leaking at your home or properties necessitate professional attention providing waterproofing services, and most likely you have to fork out a huge sum of money to ensure the leaking is fixed for a considerable amount of time, if not permanently, this is not the case at all times. 

Why do we say so? Basically, there are methods to possibly prevent them from either happening or even recurring. As such, waterproofing membranes such as waterproofing paints are said to have the innovative waterproofing attributes to ensure that minor leaking issues (that are not deep or severe) are attended to. 

Waterproofing paint can be the ultimate waterproofing choice to take into consideration if you are having trouble finding a potential remedy to the leaking surfaces at your properties and guess what, we have a guide for you!

What does it mean by waterproofing?

In essence, waterproofing is a technique used to deal with problems of mould growth at your home or properties caused by water leaks on various parts of your property that could seriously affect its interiors. Most likely rainwaters.

In terms of appearance, it is safe to say that it will not be pleasing to the eye. Also an innovative crack mending solution. However, waterproofing paints may be an effective crack bridging sealant depending its severity. 

This is where waterproofing paints are thus regarded as a revolutionary waterproofing compound. The dust-like finish can add beauty and unmatched waterproofing quality. The waterproof paint is highly durable, may remain intact, and protect the structure (e.g. interior or exterior walls) for at least half a decade, depending on the quality established by its type. They can even last a lifetime. Moreover, they also provide a decorative finish. 

Why use waterproof paint?

Waterproofing paints possess some intricate qualities (bear in mind the type differs, as does the quality) that are vital for the preservation of your properties which serves as a protective layer. The combination of latex, concrete-oriented elements and oil in waterproofing paints are essential components to create solid waterproofing paints. 

First of all, we can all agree that nature is erratic, particularly in light of the continuing climate crisis. Malaysians are constantly faced with unexpected weather conditions, which was exemplified by the unprecedented flood disaster in 2021 while the intermittent rain for the past few months has kept us on edge. As we have seen, properties have been severely damaged or destroyed.

Now the question is whether waterproofing products like the paints would be able to lessen the effects of, say, a constant downpour. Theoretically, they have the qualities to minimise the impact of water-based damages since their resistance to water is highly promoted.  In particular, it works as a prevention method. 

This is due to the fact that waterproofing paints may be used in various locations on your properties and are effective on both the interior and exterior of the properties with some exceptions which are to be seen later in this article. 

The fact that waterproof paints can be used on almost any surface type (that is, on plastics, cement, concrete, or wood) is a huge comfort for consumers. You can always choose semi-waterproof paints if you don’t want completely waterproof paints.  Ultimate waterproofing paints are those that can provide effective waterproofing without having to break your bank.

Waterproof Paint

What are waterproof paint’s benefits?

In general, waterproofing paints are reliable for reducing the presence of moisture in your properties. As a prevention mechanism, this helps you to save some pennies on maintenance or repairing works due to damages resulting from moisture- or water-related issues.

Waterproofing paints are designed to be effective on almost all surfaces of the property. However, as mentioned earlier, pay attention to the type of paint. More than that, waterproofing paint can be the answer if you value being surrounded by a hygienic or clean environment.

There are a variety of waterproof paints available, each with its own advantages and the layer of protection varies. 

Diversity in Waterproof Paint

Waterproof paints vary in type and quality, and their waterproofing capabilities are usually influenced by those factors in making the surfaces waterproof. Let’s get a quick look at the different types of waterproof paints!

Waterproof Paint

Epoxy Paint

本网站 fancy (read chemical/scientific) name for epoxy paint is poly-epoxides or poly epoxy, which is widely recognised as moisture/damp-resistant paints. Epoxy paints are not only water-resistant, but they may also provide a layer of protection for your roof surface (or any surfaces/structures) from concentric acids, heat, rust as well as chemicals. 

Waterproofing capabilities of Epoxy paints can save you from quite a number of troubles if you are particularly facing a damp-sticky-humid situation on the roof of your property. Get an upper hand on them by painting your roof surface with epoxy paints prior to damage escalating.

This is largely possible due to its thickness (five times thicker than various floor paints) which makes it long-lasting. They are also friendlier to cleaning, so no worries about keeping your properties tidy and neat!

Epoxy paints are also spotted generally in a variety of industries, including construction, industrial, agriculture, commercial and electronic, to name a few due to its waterproofing performance, making it highly preferred as a coating against dampness mechanism.

Things to note when using Epoxy Paint

Due to the fact that it is thicker, patience is a primary criteria one should have since the drying period may take up some time to provide an ultimate waterproofing quality, especially if they are in areas with high humidity levels or cooler temperatures.

Normally, epoxy-painted surfaces should be able to dry in 24 hours to three days if the foot traffic is minimal. 

Elasticised Paint

Secondly, you can also opt for elasticised paint if the worst enemy of your house is mould, bacteria and mildew growth due to moisture presence. Elasticised paint’s waterproofing capabilities can be an ideal choice for concrete surfaces or hard foundations like concrete floors.  

Point of caution: Please refer to professionals because elasticised paints are composed of toxic substances/dangerous ingredients which may be harmful to throats and skin or injure vital organs like lungs. 

Acrylic Paint

Acrylic paint can be divided into two: traditional and modern acrylic paint. 

In terms of drying duration, traditional acrylic takes less time than the latest paint, a version of Golden-Chroma which is essentially water-oriented paint and used predominantly by the artists. 

This also makes the modern paint safer as the toxicity level is comparatively lower than the traditional ones. 

One of the advantages of using acrylic waterproofing solution is that it goes well with glass or wood-based decorative stuff as well as concrete slabs, clay tile, wood etc. The water content does not however affect the waterproofing capabilities of Acrylic paint. 

Things to note when using acrylic paint

The lifespan of acrylic paint can be stretched much longer if they are applied right after a primer. A combination of acrylic and primer could increase the acrylic wall paint’s level of resistance to water and give a gloss finish. 

Masonry Paint

Composed of latex and ceramic as its main properties, the masonry paint can be applied to a wide-ranging surface from cement, stone, and hardboards to bricks. Aside from stone, it can also be applied on metal, wood, plastic, and vinyl.

Just like the other water-resistant paints, masonry paint prevents water penetration as well as algae and fungi growth. An innovative waterproofing mechanism created to strengthen the waterproofing capabilities through the fungicide and algaecide components in masonry paints, making it an effective waterproofing paint.

Do note that masonry paint is most suitable for exterior use. It can still be used indoors. But since it emits more chemicals during the drying period compared to interior paints, you need to make sure that there is enough ventilation. One of the best use cases is for concrete floors.

Durability of waterproof paint

No matter the surface on which they are applied, waterproof paints are catered to be a lifelong companion for the users. Having said that, it comes with a certain level of concern. Because of the hydrostatic pressure of groundwater, waterproof paints may only be a temporary fix or perhaps inappropriate if you have a basement (as in the majority of old thriller movies) as the waterproofing capabilities are slightly compromised.

Quick note: You may want to consider fixing wall panels with plastic pegs to assure the basement walls remain intact for a considerable time. It is advised to scrape off the original layer of paint before a new coat is applied although it can be painted on top of the original.  Not only it prevents the paint from peeling off too quickly but also acts as a coating against dampness. 

Do you need a primer?

Technically, yes! Priming is advised to ensure long-lastingness, more so if these are painted on exposed areas like rooftops or concrete blocks. 

Waterproof Paint

8 Can I paint over waterproof paint?

Well, technically possible but this is not highly recommended by the professionals. To ensure the elegance of your new coat of paint, you must definitely consider using a high-quality priming or all-in-one paint as a basic waterproofing coating.

Can I paint waterproof paint by myself?

Here is a quick 3-step guide:

Firstly, loose mortars should be totally cleaned out and do not leave any tiny residues behind. You may use a stiff brush to clean it or use a vacuum cleaner to suck out the tiniest residues of mortars. Keeping this in mind now will prevent potential complications later.

Secondly, it’s time for patching. Patching is basically a process of mixing the mortars in a very small quantity. Once done with the mixing, convert them into a pastry bag and fill the mortars in the holes. The tip of the pastry bag needs a slight cut to continue with the filling process. However, do it in small batches as we don’t want them to dry up. 

With the use of the trowel, remove any extra mortar, then let it dry. Alternatively, you may use a hair dryer to accelerate the drying process. 

Once the drying process is over, you must make sure moisture is completely eliminated as it could pose serious troubles to the application of your waterproof paint. Therefore, the surface must be essentially dry. If you have a dehumidifier, you may have it turned on for a few days prior to the painting to absorb the presence of moisture in the air. 

Finally, waterproof paint can be applied on the dry surfaces. To avoid painting unwanted areas, keep the painter’s tape on the edges.


Overall, waterproofing paints offer reliable protection for preventing water-based damage. However, this is not a remedy or a permanent solution to major cracks on walls or bathroom fixtures that require sealings. 

The durability and strength of waterproof paints are largely determined by the type of paint you have chosen and how rigorously they have been painted in terms of their application method. Coating them on dry and non-painted surfaces can accentuate the adhesiveness of waterproof paints. 

Keep in mind that waterproof paints are not intended to be a tool for repairs, but rather a preventative and protective measure.

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